Hello! Would you care for a peek at the party planning? My checklist is long and progress is slow, but I'm happy with what I've got done today...
Ta-da! It's a pillow. Yes, for her birthday party. I needed a girly, pink, and somewhat fanciful cushion for her "throne" (um, chair, but let's make believe, shall we?). I looked at velvet and gold tassel trim at the fabric store, and then I decided that this combination would work better because when the party is over, this is a pillow I can keep in her room... not a velvet and gold tasseled one. So I grabbed the pink pom poms and ran...
... straight to my sewing machine. I love this fabric collection (Dream on by Urban Chiks for Moda.) Add the pom pom trim and it's like a party for the eyes. Don't they look like little fluffs of cotton candy?
Yes, well, fluffs of cotton candy they are not. I didn't realize I've never sewn with pom pom trim before. Eek! Wasn't so easy for me (have you sewn with it before... was it a breeze for you?), but now I've got this lovely cushion and I know it's a winner because Olivia grabbed it and hugged it and told me she liked it before I'd even uttered that it was for her.
I've also been playing with paper... folding, folding, folding. Aren't these pretty? It's a great way to use up some of that scrapbook paper stash you have lying around. (I found a tutorial for these accordian paper flowers here.) Olivia wanted to play with these, too...
I had to say no, but her face lit up when I told her they are decorations for her birthday party. She is sooo excited. When she saw me wrapping magic wands with glitter tulle, it was more than she could stand (those are going into a garland.) Behind the scenes, giant balloons have arrived in the mail, paper goods designed by Katie Daisy for Target have been purchased, and I found the perfect Cinderella doll for her birthday cake (not Barbie)...
There is a lot more that I hope to get done, but we'll see... just a few more flourishes of the magic wand!
xo amy