I hope you all had a wonderful weekend ~ I did. I had not one, but three dates with my husband, although one of them was just a quick coffee date at Starbucks, but the next night we went out for Italian and I had my favorite chicken ravioli, and one night I stayed up really late sewing hexagons and watching Dr. Who with Anne, and one morning we went to the Corner Bakery where I got to eat my favorite breakfast panini (along with a cup of the bestest coffee), and we went to the gym, we went to the bookstore, and the kids were fairly good and didn't make me pull my hair out all weekend, and I ran my 8 miles with no injuries, and my Dad went into the hospital but he's out now and he's okay, really, and everything is good. But, I got hardly any sewing done at all. It's silly how one imagines a small doll quilt, a tea towel, and 10 other little projects can be finished in a weekend.
I mean, seriously, c'mon. I managed to finish one.
"Dobar Tek" means "bon appetit" in Croatian. And now I have to admit, my friend Mirna asked for placemats (a long time ago) but something went very wrong while making this first one, so... now it's a cute little snack mat for Gregor (and a gift). I hope it's not just me who finds it charming. I do think it's cute.
I hope Mirna does, too. xo amy