"... is probably the work you should be doing for the rest of your life."
Saw that quote on pinterest. And if it's true, I should be making needlebooks and ticker tape mini's for the rest of my life. I do love those projects. They're "fast, fun, and finished in a day"... the best kind of sewing projects.
"Busy" isn't really a strong enough word to describe how things have been around here lately. The weekend? A blur. I know last night we went to the Grove for Anne's birthday dinner. We're heading out to Disneyland in a bit. But before I head out I wanted to show you a little needlebook I made especially for Tasha. It's a little cloudy so the pics are gray, but you get the idea...
This needlebook closes with a little wooden button and inside there are four felt pages that can be personalized... you can sew in a piece of flat elastic to hold a small pair of scissors, sew in a pocket or two, add whatever you like. When I made my first needlebook I simply needed a place to keep needles secure in my take-out sewing bag... but I've found the elastic for the scissors is neat, too. I hope you like it, Tasha!
xo amy