hellooo! I realize some women just breeze right through pregnancy, but lemme tell ya, I was never one of the those girls. I've had better days and downright bad days lately and just when I think I've got a grip on this morning sickness and the rhythm of my energy, my body throws me a curveball. Loooovvve it.
Cookie Kits went in the shop Monday and they all sold out, but if you wanted one and didn't get one ~ no worries ~ I'll be listing more tomorrow. Did you have a nice weekend? Saturday was Nicholas' birthday party, which was a blast (pin-the-tail-on-the-donkey, cookie decorating, pinata, pizza... we went a little old school on this one)... so much fun it was, I had to lay down by 4:30 in the afternoon and I was done for the night. I've never slept so much in my life!
Sunday morning I started cutting 2 1/2" squares of Christmas fabric. I had in mind one project, but about halfway through cutting, it was already something else...
Now Olivia has a Christmas pillow, too. (Nicholas already has one. Actually, he has a pillow for every season ;)
Next up, I'd like to make a garland to feature in the kids Christmas photo... which will hopefully go into the holiday cards if all goes well. Have you sent yours out yet? Only 11 more days 'til Christmas ~ yikes!!
xo amy