Sometimes you see an idea and it seems so promising but it just doesn't work out the way you'd hoped. That was today. Things started off well enough. Made a few leaves and berries...
... stitched up some letters...
... and strung them up as a garland for the kids to hold while I took their holiday photo. That, my friends, was the opposite of J-O-Y. One child won't look at me. One child won't smile. (The oldest one was patient and perfect, thank you.) You should have heard me yelling at the kids in the front yard. Look at meeeee! 30 pictures later and not one of them is usable. Will have to try again tomorrow, but I think we'll lose the garland ;)
Happy Friday!
1. Old but beautiful, 2. Zakka Style, 3. candy cane christmas table runner! :), 4. Elly <3, 5. Christmas centerpiece, 6. My New "Lunch Bag" Purse, 7. Untitled, 8. Christmas decoration, 9. pink & pale yellow, 10. shiny, 11. this is my winter song, december never felt so wrong., 12. wishing..., 13. Zakka Style
Created with fd's Flickr Toys
xo amy