Two years ago I made a doll quilt for Olivia while I was stalling on another project. Well I'm stalling again ~ supposed to be working on a custom order baby quilt, unsure of exactly how I want to proceed, and waiting for new fabrics to arrive ~ so I did a little make-over of Olivia's doll quilt. I mean I liked it just fine before (see here), but what really bugged me was the backing. It was bad, real bad. I have no idea what I was thinking. And if you're going to hang it up on the wall, that's fine, but Livi uses it around the house to wrap Cinderella, Rapunzel, and Strawberry Shortcake ~ oh, that back was glaring and ugly and taunting me. So, what does a busy mom with a million other things to do do: a re-do... a one day job of ripping and restitching and binding.
And then I got all experimental and did my "washi tape" thing in the corners just for fun. Kind of weird but I was following a wild and carefree whim. It was crazy, yo. ;)
The backing you see now is a traditional, complementary tiny floral print... non-offensive in every way and I no longer have to cringe.
Ok, I'm off to the post office. Bedrest for a mom of three is nearly impossible and I'm going to enjoy this last bit of freedom before they actually chain me to the bed, which I fear is not far off in the future. See you tomorrow, k? I have an Easter scrappy thing or two to share...
xo amy