I wanted to show you my fabric stamp collection before they're all used up on one very costly piece of "airmail"...
So, here they are.
Remember when I shared with you all this craft book? I made that cute bento lunch sack with instructions from the book, but Amy Morinaka's "Airmail Mugrug" was also super high on my list. What I didn't realize was that making the actual fabric stamps would be so addicting. I've got a nice red bucket overflowing with teensy fabric scraps (less than an inch in width) in my fave prints... and finding a use for them is awesome. Making them into these pretty little stamps ~ totally addicting!
It's easy as can be. You need Wonder Under (or any kind of fusible web) and fabric scraps along with some basic white cotton. I used Kona Snow.
Once your scrap is fused onto the white cotton, apply another backing of fusible web and then cut with your fabric pinking shears.
Stamp love! These will be posted quite soon. Here's a little inspiration til I see you next:
1. Airmail from the UK, 2. Dear Mr. Pencil Case, 3. The Mythology of Tears: shared her secret, passed her poison, 4. Narcisse, 5. All Aboard Little Gia, 6. abc embroidery sampler in progress, 7. Vintage Floral Fabric, 8. Postage, 9. african flower potholder, 10. Sewing Room Swap Idea, 11. Antique French Sampler, 12. thread catcher, 13. Airmail mug rug from Zakka Handmades, my book!
Created with fd's Flickr Toys
Note to those of you who inquired about the gingham bound needlebooks: Of course, my friend chose the strawberry needlebook and so it's not available. The others will be put in my shop when I gather a few more things and I will give advance notice here when they will be listed for sale.
xo amy