Happy New Year, Friends! I wish you all peace and joy. I've always loved starting a new year and 2019 is no different. There is so much to hope for and so much to strive for. I would like to share with you some pics from the holidays but first I have to jump right into the New Year's business of... (drumroll)... the Sonata Showcase! It has begun!
It features these twelve talented makers who will each be sharing a project made with fabrics from my latest Art Gallery Fabrics collection: Sonata!
First up is Jill Griffiths of Kneesocks and Goldilocks. Jill is a mother of four, OB/GYN and amazing garment sewer. She is inspiring in every way. Just look at these beautiful dresses she made for herself and her daughter! If you are interested in learning garment sewing, or you're already a fan, I can highly recommend Jill's insta photos for inspiration. The patterns she used for these dresses are from Chalk and Notch. The rayon Jill used is called Pastoral Crescendo and can be found here, here, and here as well (google: Pastoral Crescendo rayon).
The next featured maker on the Sonata Showcase is Faith Essenburg of Sarana Ave. Faith is a creator of beautiful things, mama of three adorable boys, and is making a home in the loveliest Victorian farmhouse. Check out this beautiful flying geese quilt she made:
I love flying geese as a motif- they make such a big impact and show off fabrics wonderfully. See more pretty pics of the quilt and read all about it at Faith's blog post here.
And I'll be sure to keep you updated on all the featured makers in the Showcase coming up soon!
xoxo amy